Positioning pads, supports and mattresses for maternity

Positioning pads, Goepel leg support, but also mattresses for delivery table, incubator or changing tables, KOHLAS proposes products dedicated to maternity, pediatrics and neonatology.

matelas pour la maternité

Mattresses for maternity

We repair and replace mattresses of delivery tables.
We also sell a standard product line of mattresses for incubators and changing tables

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  appui jambes Goepel

Goepel leg support

We renovate used Goepel leg supports. We replace the filling with shape memory foam and cover it with a waterproof neoprene cover.

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  cales pour la néonatologie et la pédiatrie

Pads for neonatology and pediatrics

Cales de positionnement du nouveau né en gel ou coussin d'allaitement, nous proposons un ensemble de cales spécialement adaptées à la néonatologie et à la pédiatrie.

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Compliance of the positioning pads, supports and mattresses for maternity

Safe, all our positioning pads, supports and mattresses for maternity are formulated using only EC compliant components in accordance with Health Directive 93/42/EEC.